Monday, June 18, 2012


okay so ive been away from the interwebs for a long while due to oh so many things happening in the real world. ive succumbed to party fever and have been dancing the nights away at the billions of 21st's that hit all at the same time after exams finally ended. However I had to bring you this, everybody knows i loooove die antwoord almost more than life itself because they are that amazing this video is so ZEF its out of control

seriously me gusta

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Back with a vengeance.

After having disappeared into the obscurity of the internet for the past two years, IM BACK BABY not too much has changed (ive gotten a new haircut) -i still dont own a miniature piglet- but I have soooo much to share, so please let me play show and tell this week players.

Actually something has changed...ive fallen in love with about a billion artists that i am happy to share with everybody on the condition that i remain the muse for all of them...

words cannot describe the love I have for her i feel like she is the siren to my sailor, like she could lure me to sea simply with the pure beauty that is her voice.
it may be a bit much to call her our generation's Enya, but she combines soothing tones with quirky electro/experimental music that sounds absolutely breathtaking, i could listen for hours....

She's an absolute doll, she's aussie and gorgeous but she looks like she would murk you in second if she needed to. She's helping change the face of hip hop, I love her because she's soooo sassy, her little scuffle with old mate kanye wasnt super cool but i can overlook it because she is such a doll. Iggy Iggy.

