Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Birthdays & Death

Aloha bad bishes,

This is a fairly morbid post. So it's my birthday in 2 days. But all I have on my mind for some odd reason is death.

To be honest, it's not that weird that all I have on my mind is death considering I've had a fair few near death experiences, which I personally don't feel is very health for a girl of 21, but I've always had the feeling that I was going to die young. And to appease myself at the thought of dying young I've romanticised it in a sense. I feel like it will just happen, some unjust force of nature robbing a young one of old age in some freak accident. And so I'll be forever remembered as the young, 'fun','cool'(basically the girl with alot of positive buzzwords that follow the mentioning of her name) chick. Like people would say oh yeah Tonye, she was so cool and I remember all these fun times with her before she died.

I don't know, I don't fear death itself. I'm not afraid of dying. I'm more afraid of all the things I'll miss out on. I'm not even thinking of long term things I'm thinking of things i would have done within the next five years like travelling all over the world, being in an amazingly great band, playing great gigs, meeting great people, see my family and friends be happy. I read the Lovely Bones a while back , and the ideas of death in that book still really resonate with me now, even though its been such a long time since I read it. I wonder are there different heavens depending on how you died/what you did? Would murderers/rapists/generally horrible people that did loathsome things be in a cesspit in the depths of hell filled with the ghosts of the things that they've done, constant reminders of how horrible they were in life and now doomed to eternal damnation?

 See that sounds fair to me, but then the question poses is there even an afterlife? Do we die and our bodies rot in their wooden cages, do we go to heaven as in christianity? or are we reincarnated? I feel like that's a beautiful idea coming back with a second chance as another creature/being. Or do we haunt things? One of my friends told me that she went to a friend of hers house, who's father died there and how creepy it is to be there because there's constantly a cold chill in the house as if you can feel another person there.

I like the idea of Vallhalla in Norse Mythology, going to a great hall after dying in combat and being chosen by Odin. Or even Greek mythology doing something amazing like making wine and becoming a God because of it. Eternally remembered and revered  for making/doing something amazing. I'd like to think if I were to be a Greek God I'd be the the God of making scrunchies/friendship bracelets/ or my new favourite love. Terrariums.
