Sunday, April 28, 2013

Aristotle my bearded dragon

Let me tell you a story,

One day I went walking at night, just because I'd decided it's time to get fit. I need to start working out, but because without my glasses im basically legally blind I couldn't really see properly. Anyways I was walking through the park and lo and behold in the corner of my eye what do I happen to come across? A bearded dragon. Or so it seemed, but as I got closer, literally about to burst with excitement because i wanted to take him home, I realised that it was in fact a bush, and that only to my non spectacled eye it could appear to be a bearded dragon.

Anyways, once I got home I made a vow to myself, by the end of this year I would have a bearded dragon named Aristotle who would be my ultimate confidante. He'd be really cute, and be able to do mad tricks and shit.And he'd be a wise philosopher, mainly because he has a beard, because he's a bearded dragon duh.

*whispers: look at him sleeping so adorable, id watch him sleep all the time because im a creep like that

When Brave Bird Saved- Laura Marling

I know Ive been a little post crazy today, which actually means not post crazy at all because this is only my second post in one day but considering how lazy I usually am I think Im doing well.
Im giving you this because I know you're probably a little vexed considering Ive been away for saaaah long so here. Im the gift that keeps on giving, and oh so modest.

This is a little film made by Laura Marling in the wake of her new album being released on the 27th May 2013. The film is inspired by and soundtracked by the album name 'Once I was an eagle'

I actually have a crippling fear of birds, so I myself cant ever picture brave bird saving anything, well i cant really imagine anything with wings saving anything because they scare me, except maybe owls because they are carnivorous but super kawaii but Laura Marling can make me a believer, ahh everything about this.

It's so pretty

Saturday, April 27, 2013


So the other day, I went to my friend M's house and we discussed whilst casually seshing and watching ODB interviews on youtube that it was imperative we started an ODB appreciation group, because let's face it. The man was amazing, like yes he was a crackhead if you ever saw one,but he had alot of artistic merit plus he says a whole lot of weird shit in basically every interview he does and was the king of entertainment. Man i wish he was still around making interviews and saying inappropriate things. God rest your soul ODB, Ill pour a little liqour out for dem lost homies next time Im out or whatever.

Im still wondering if this song has anything to do with the fact that he was cashing welfare checks and collecting food stamps in a limo, whilst he was making millions.

Ahh ODB I love you..

Cos God made dirt, and dirt will bust yo ass

Monday, April 22, 2013

Zombie Apocalypse dreams

So im not going to lie, im uber superstitious and I dont even know if this comes down to superstition but i was so sure the world was going to end last year as stupid as that may sound. And im still a bit perturbed but somewhat relieved that it didnt happen. However, having said that Im almost 100 per cent certain that a Zombie Apocalypse is nigh. I dont know when it will come, I wish I could tell you that for your own safety and whatnot but I know its coming. I could whip out a billion conspiracy theories but for what? Id rather just warn you in case you know, you werent aware. I will also warn you that my inherent fear of a zombie apocalypse could come from my love of 'The walking Dead" pretty sure the zombies are coming though...

Monday, April 15, 2013

musings of a girl with a lot of time on her hands (Part 2)


So Tonye, you ask ,what else is new hombre? Your obssessions with Adventuretime and karaoke are endearing but surely you do other things ...

3)Well, I quit my somewhat full time job and took a year off uni, so that i could pick up a billion extracurricular activities...In reality I quit my mundane full time job and tried to pick up another one because i need to be living in Berlin and being extremely cultured and shit by the end of this year but that failed miserably due to my penchant for being lazy and spending my days watching my newfound love( I know Im 10yrs behind) LOTR Im absolutely obssessed, I want to have Aragorn's children and rule his kingdom with him, Gandalf will give me Shadowfax as a wedding gift and Aragorn will ride  Brego and we'll fight valiantly side by side.

4)Ive also taken to making friendship bracelets and tie dye clothing as my latest business venture in a bid to make a little extra something something because im dirt poor at the moment

5)I GOT A LOFT BED !! For some this isnt exciting news or even new news but for me its fantastic. Its rickety like nothing else at the best of times but :

LIKE SO MUCH ROOM. I could charge $5 a pop and have a mini rave underneath my loft bed theres that much space, decks and all. I think this could be a very profitable business venture.

After quitting my job, my dumpling habit became an expensive thing to feed. Im obssessed with all things Chinese dumpling and in a bid to cut costs I learnt how to make them. Its actually fairly easy. I would like to say that making dumplings were an artform but its really not that hard. This is a gift from me to you, a dumpling recipe. Go forth and prosper.

Until next time friend *vulcan salute

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

musings of a girl with alot of time on her hands

So ive been lax, and for that i deeply apologise. I feel like a horrible person for neglecting this for so long. If there was some kind of association that could be called to reprimand me for neglecting a blog, please feel free to contact them and tell them to slap me on the wrist. SO IMMA UPDATE YOU ON WHATS BEEN GOING ON! ! !

Replace the name Brittany with TONYE

This has been a long running obsession of mine. Some people say I find the show so relatable because Im super immature, others say it because Im too much of a tripper, but I personally think I love this show because its amazingly odd, and full of weird sexual innuendo but just fuck, its a good show. 
 Lumpy space Princess is my all time favourite character. I feel like if I was in Adventuretime we'd be best friends, Id be all "Oh my Glob" and she'd be all "No way" and we'd have lumpin loads of fun

Who the fuck doesnt like karaoke? Its great feel like super popstar dance dance forever. Its great, some people dont understand the depth to karaoke. You can fufill life long dreams of stardom by singing into a microphone and singing words on a screen, I imagine people screaming my name at my show as I pump out Aretha Franklin. 

The most gratifying of all karaoke games is singstar because it actually rates your singing and gives you points and shit. AND if you have Playstation 3, you can buy songs online there are a plethora of songs in every genre possible. I know, I know way too much about this stuff . Here is a website that you can use, this is for the humble karaoke singer who wants to be a rockstar in the confines of their own home .My name is Tonye, and Im a karaoke addict. 
