Monday, June 17, 2013

Our Beautiful Universe Part 1.

Oh hai,

I'm so sorry I'm so lax with writing. I'm a little forgetful. I'd like to say I'm always out grabbing life by the balls and that's why I have no time to cruise the information highway, but I'm not as 'outdoorsy' and adventurous as I'd like to be, not to say that I'm not outdoorsy or adventurous at all, but not as much as I should be as a young, sprightly girl of 22.

Unbeknownst to a lot of people, I'm a little bit of a dreamer, I try to force myself to be a realist but a lot of the time i secretly romanticise things, and imagine how life could/would be different if things were different. I always have, and probably always will. Two things that have fascinated me since I can remember are the sky(universe) and the sea. Two things that are both so similar in some ways but completely opposite in others. They're both an enigma in a sense, so mysterious, so beautiful -each in their own way- such large expanses of space that it feels like it's almost impossible to find out the absolute truth about either. Yet everyday new discoveries are being made about both. This will probably sound a little ridiculous and lame, but every time I read about new discoveries I get sooooo excited,  as I turn the page I feel like I'm about to spontaneously combust with joy, it's probably a bit worrying how excited I do actually get, but god, i love science. It's the essence of my being in a sense, fun facts keep me going. Science gives you hope yet provides facts, it's like some weird pseudo oxymoron.

So I'm going to get my geek on, and share with you some of my favourite facts/thoughts...


Who hasn't lay down outside at night and looked at the stars at least once? Looking up at the sky in wonder is one of my favourite past times.The universe, and stars are something that have fascinated us since the beginning of time.  Greek Philosophers have argued over the ideas of parallel universes how the earth began.Songs have been written about the stars, galaxies and the universe ("Twinkle Twinkle Little Star How I wonder what you are"). Movies and Tv shows  such as Star Wars, Star Trek and Battlestar Galactica have been made depicting our voyages through space and time...
                                                 " The force is strong with this one"

 ...Men are supposedly from Mars, and women from Venus. Even celebrities are known as stars, shining beings high up in the sky, untouchable by common man, and revered by all..well almost all. A star is something a lot of people aspire to be it's associated with. Miss Universe is a contest where women fight to become crowned the best woman in the universe, yet it kills me that so little is known about the universe, even with apparatus like the Hubble Telescope, why would you want to be Miss Universe when you don't even know what's out there? *Cue X Files theme song.

      "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" : Stars are made up of the elements hydrogen, helium,    carbon    nitrogen, oxygen, neon, magnesium and silicon.

Bey Bey: A star made up of different kinds of elements - beauty, talent and ooh chil' dat a$$

Okay, so the Hubble telescope came into use in 1990. And to this day, it's one of the most amazing pieces of equipment ever invented. So many discoveries have been made since the day it was launched into space, and with it as well as other equipment. I hope that one day we can unlock the secrets of all the galaxies and universes out there, and maybe even reach alien lifeforms, if they're not already watching us.

One of my favourite discoveries to date, is the "Hubble Deep Field". Astronomers focused the telescope on the darkest patch of sky, which they thought was empty and they kept the telescope there for 10 days. They found that there were 3000 galaxies in the depths of space. It's such a beautiful thought, that there is so much out there that we don't know, but we all want to know more, a sense of curiosity is a part of the human condition after all.

Another beautiful idea is that:

Imagine another earth over 100 billion lightyears away, not knowing that we exist or imagine having a twin/doppleganger on the other earth. What would we be like? How would everything work? Would it be exactly the same? Would we even look the same? Are they more advanced than we are? Are they aliens? Are they already studying us? Would aliens be as friendly as E.T was? I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS!!

But I know that as of now noone can answer them, so as you ponder about the unknown so I'll leave you with this fitting tune...

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