Monday, April 15, 2013

musings of a girl with a lot of time on her hands (Part 2)


So Tonye, you ask ,what else is new hombre? Your obssessions with Adventuretime and karaoke are endearing but surely you do other things ...

3)Well, I quit my somewhat full time job and took a year off uni, so that i could pick up a billion extracurricular activities...In reality I quit my mundane full time job and tried to pick up another one because i need to be living in Berlin and being extremely cultured and shit by the end of this year but that failed miserably due to my penchant for being lazy and spending my days watching my newfound love( I know Im 10yrs behind) LOTR Im absolutely obssessed, I want to have Aragorn's children and rule his kingdom with him, Gandalf will give me Shadowfax as a wedding gift and Aragorn will ride  Brego and we'll fight valiantly side by side.

4)Ive also taken to making friendship bracelets and tie dye clothing as my latest business venture in a bid to make a little extra something something because im dirt poor at the moment

5)I GOT A LOFT BED !! For some this isnt exciting news or even new news but for me its fantastic. Its rickety like nothing else at the best of times but :

LIKE SO MUCH ROOM. I could charge $5 a pop and have a mini rave underneath my loft bed theres that much space, decks and all. I think this could be a very profitable business venture.

After quitting my job, my dumpling habit became an expensive thing to feed. Im obssessed with all things Chinese dumpling and in a bid to cut costs I learnt how to make them. Its actually fairly easy. I would like to say that making dumplings were an artform but its really not that hard. This is a gift from me to you, a dumpling recipe. Go forth and prosper.

Until next time friend *vulcan salute

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